Friday, September 10, 2010

We must have played Guess Who 15 times

God truly has provided all I need and filled this day with joy.

My first host and her family were wonderful... I stayed two days in a beautiful home in one of the nicest areas of London. Edwardian architecture, I was told.

I ate dinner with them the first night, leftovers the next (I came home too late for dinner) and sushi tonight. Toast for breakfast each day.

Her daughter, a treasure chest of curiosity and kindness, adored me for some reason. We must have played Guess Who 15 times and she asked again and again if I'd come back to see them in January.

Amy, my host, spent hours looking up hostels for me (just in case this second living situation didn't work out) only to find that they were literally all booked. She printed my plane ticket, asked me about my life, told me all about the best things to see in London, and drove me to and from Regent's College to drop me off at Hannah's for the second leg of my journey. Twice.

Today I saw the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace...

went to St. Martin-In-The-Field's church for a free concert, some time in the chapel, and great lunch...

and just delighted in the tourists delighting in being together at Trafalgar square.

I am now staying with Hannah, a friend of a friend, at Regent's College. We just spent the last 1 1/2 talking in her hallway... So good. Tomorrow is The Mayor's Thame's Festival. ( I'm pumped... and it's all free. Though it may rain.

from London


Patty said...

Philippians 4:19 You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. -The Message

Love the image from St. Martin-In-The-Field church.

The festival looks so cool. I am so glad that our God sees you.

Patty said...

Hey, can you tell me more about the three statues (they look like wood) that you have in this blog. I have tried to find them online...