Tuesday, September 7, 2010


All day long I’ve been floating in peace. I feel it around me and in me.

I fell asleep at about 1:30 last night (after packing all evening) and woke at 5 today. Running on fewer than 6 hours the night and day before, I’ve been pretty docile for a small lack of energy, but also because I don’t have a sense of urgency or anxiety. I’m pleased to say that, though just found out I may not board the next flight to London and I do not know when the next flight out is, I am still okay.

On sunday my friend, Rachel, asked me, “what are you worried about?” and immediately my mind began spinning about all the things, like wild animals released around me, I could worry about. However, after taking just one moment to review these creatures, I realized that nothing was worry-able: God is bigger and more able than any other power that might come against me or these plans.


Katherine Michael said...

Praying that you are allowed on the flight to London.

Patty said...

In the sermon Sunday (tagged teamed by Craig Hesselton and Bill Christensen) one of them said, "Words are powerful. But God's words are bigger." I loved that.

God sees you.